Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Imma Monkey

So I finally got around to looking up enough Monkey Zodiac information to actually post a little something about it. Or maybe a lot something, but either way, it's something.

Playful, even obliging at times, the Monkey hides the poor opinion he has of others beneath his apparent friendliness. He distrusts people born under any other sign and considers himself to be superior to all of them. He has plenty of intelligence and a fantastic ability to pull the wool over people's eyes. He is so artful that he can even fool the Dragon -- who is strong, stubborn, and no fool himself -- and resist the magnetism of the Tiger, whom he teases unmercifully.

He he, well Diana it seems that you pulling the boy's tail is completely and totally justifiable, just show him this when he starts glaring at you. :P

The first part of the Monkey's life will be happy. The second will be upset and confused and his plans will often miscarry. Once attaining a ripe old age, the Monkey will increasingly enjoy a simple, everyday life.

Hmm.....I'm not sure I like the sound of the second part of my life. I rather like that most of my plans work. At least I'll be happy when I'm old.

Most Monkeys have one fetish - FOOD. They are not pigs, they don't stuff themselves with food, instead, they just have this habit of eating snacks whenever they like, and wherever they like. And one last truth about monkey people is, they adore bananas. Go visit your monkey friend's kitchen, I bet you will find some bananas there.

:o I LOVE banana's!! Actually, I love food in general. I don't understand people who don't love food, it seems....archaic to me.

Monkeys have flexible principles and serene self-confidence so they are completely content; but they usually manage to complicate the lives of others. After yet another plan or project has gone wrong, they are seldom there to help clean up the disorder and confusion that they leave in their wake. Monkeys can handle that too; with their charm and persuasiveness they can make people believe that just knowing them is a privilege.

He he, I laugh everytime I read the last sentence. Isn't it true though?

Positive Traits
Inventive, versatile, humorous, generous, intelligent, witty, lively, independent, strong-willed

Negative Traits
Manipulative, opinionated, conceited, egotistical, capricious, superficial, meddling, careless

Most Compatibility
Rat, Dragon, Rooster

Well that's good, at least I know I'm compatible with Nic and Abi.

Pig, Goat, Horse, Monkey

Tiger, Ox, Rabbit, Dog, Snake

Well how much does that suck? BOTH of my parents are Dogs, as is Audrey, my aunt is a Snake, my cousin is a Tiger, and several of my friends are born under those signs.

So that's my Monkey info. I do have to say that I think we're one of the better sounding signs out there. Of course, that's a trait that is attributed to us Monkey's, so that could be the only reason. xP I love doing this kind of stuff, it makes me happy to learn about just about anything, but this is the bug that's bitten me so this is what I'm looking at every day. Next time I dive in to google I will look up Monkey-Gemini and just hope that my computer doesn't explode from all of the energy. :x

Ooo, interesting side note. I saw The Golden Compass last night. I am absolutely in love with that movie now. I'm not quite sure why it struck me so deep, but I loved Nicole Kidman (she nailed the part), the girl who played Lyra (Dakota Blue Richards, who is a new actress) did a very good job for having no movie experience, and Daniel Craig was as charming as ever. Actually, everyone was well cast in that movie, and aced their parts. I can't wait for the second movie to come out, and they haven't even started filming yet! I don't even know when it'll be released! AH!! I can read the books, I will read the books, but I want to see Nicole Kidman in action (can you tell she was my most favorite part of the whole movie? :P). So now I will have to wait and cross my fingers that it's released sometime early 2009. God, I'll be 17 (or close to it), how scary is that?


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