Saturday, December 15, 2007

10 Facts About Yours Truly

He he, I saw this on Diana's blog and had to do it. It looked like so much fun!

The rules: Once you've been tagged, you have to write a blog of ten weird or random facts about you, your habits, or your goals. At the end, choose ten people to be tagged, listing their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave each a comment (such as, "You're IT!") with instructions to read your blog. You can't tag the person who tagged you, but you should let her know when you've posted to your blog so she can see your answers.

1. I'm an amazing bullshitter. And I don't mean in only the game. I can make just about anyone believe just about anything.

2. Sometimes I wish I was someone else. Someone glamorous and famous, then I resolve to become glamorous and famous. Then I realize I'm already pretty glamorous (if I do say so myself) and I question my want to be famous. Talk about any idenity crisis.

3. I have a horrid habit of stopping in the middle of my sentence and changing to a completely different subject. Why? Several reasons, one, I usually am just talking to talk. Two, something I said reminded me of something I'd said in a previous conversation that I then want to tell the current person I'm talking to about (if that makes any sense), and three, that's just how I am. I've learned to accept it.

4. I have this obsession with Mulan and Tarzan, as in, the Disney movies that are not at all historically accurate (I go on a rant everytime I watch Hercules, yet I still love that movie, strange how Disney can do that to ya). But what's a girl to do, when she has an obsession, she has an obsession. It'll end soon....maybe.

5. Though I complain 24/7 that I'm in some sort of pain, in reality it doesn't bother me. I just want to have something to complain about. My own logic says it doesn't make any sense, but it gives me so much satisfaction.

6. Despite all my outgoingness, I can actually get very stage fright, though I hide it well it's there. My heart is pounding, I talk to fast, and everythings all jumbled in my brain. But I love being on stage so I work through it and relax as things go on, hopefully I'll one day have no stage fright at all. Aside from a few butterfly's maybe.

7. I can't stay serious about anything for a long period of time. If I were in school I'd constantly be getting in trouble for being the class clown. I love to laugh and have a good time, even if it means getting me in trouble. It makes people really mad, but I don't understand why we can't all laugh and have a good time while still learning.

8. My disgust for certain traits in people make it really hard to admire and listen to the pople who are "above" me. From my perspective, I know more then them, or know a better way to do it, but since I'm only a kid and most of them don't want my opinion it causes problems, to say the least.

9. My only true goal in Life is to be happy, and to make the people around me laugh. I love getting even the most serious person to laugh, it makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

10. Four of my greatest heros are my siblings. Though I only look up to one, they each have a trait about them that I would love to have myself and look up too and admire them for. Who says your heros have to be "big people"?

Whoever wants to do this must do it and send me the link so I know they did it. :P

Happy Birthday to my Mommy!

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