Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I Saw My Girls!!!

-Does A Happy Dance- After, hmmmm....., three(?) months of not seeing Emily, Julia, Sam, or Danielle I saw them last night. Well, sadly, I didn't get to see Sam because he wasn't feeling well and had fallen asleep before I got there, but in his place Danielle's mom was up, and she's always a joy to talk to. 'Scuse the pun. 'Da husband was there as well (making what looked like really good pizzas), but he and I don't really talk. I did bring wine though, so I was in good graces. :D
We only stayed for an hour but in that hour we dressed up with practically everything in their dressup box, paraded around the kitchen for the adults to see, and then went downstairs and added more to our outfits. It was one of the best nights I've had in a long time. People think I'm crazy when I tell them two of my bestest friends are a 10 year old and and 8 year old. But in light of some teenage drama that's been going on in my life, it makes total sense to have friends who are at least 5 years younger than you and only want to have fun. Don't deny the sense of that.
All to quickly that hour came to end and we had to leave, the girls were hangin' on to my arms and escorted me out to the car (Danielle also escorted us, though she wasn't a hanger oner :P). They were consoled by the fact that I'll be seeing them again in two weeks at an indoor water park a lot of homeschoolers are going to. Or in our case, unschoolers. We'll be there for three days, so that's three days of me hanging out with some of my bestest friends. Kizzle will be there as well, which will just add to the fun. I so excited!


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