Saturday, September 20, 2008

Flyin' Solo

Well that really was easy! Hahah, I took the drivers test yesterday, and got a grand total of two points off because I crossed the line into the invisible oncoming traffic. But I do that all the time, no biggy. xP

And here I am, all excited. See my cheesin smile?

And then, to celebrate my victory (okay, really it was just to have fun), I drove me n Audrey n Cece to The Great Frederick Fair. Where we had a blast hanging out with a whole hullabaloo of people, and running into more as we ran around for five (six?) hours. Then I drove us, and some extras, home. Sadly, this is the only picture I have from the fair.
See, so sad....only picture....-sigh-.


1 comment:

kelli said...

Yay! Congrats on the license! :)