I received two new names whilst hanging out. One little girl decided to call me Silly Clown or just Clown after a night of me playing in the rain to amuse myself, and in turn it amused her. I actually don't think that she knows my real name.... Another girl (as her Mom later told me) calls me her donkey and/or horsey because while the parents were sitting around drinking wine/beer I was entertaining one two of the kids by being their horsey (the older one calls me her horsey/donkey). I actually have a photo of that, courtesy of Diana. (And dude, random addition, the spell check on this thing counts horsey as a word, whodathunk?) Oh, and dude again, I have a photo of me in the rain. Just found it.

(Yes, I got wetter then that. And, yes, the string of my pants is over my neck.)
I think that's what I loved the most about this conference, the little kids. They're everywhere, and they love me. I may never be able to cater to older peoples sense of humor, but little kids, man they think I am a riot. Nice for an ego boost.
Hmm, I think that's all I have to say for now. At least, that's all I can remember to say....write. What do you call this? Ah, who cares. I'm gonna go watch Sweeney Todd with some new comers to the Sweeney Todd cult. Poor deprived souls.